honey overcome cough

If you are disturbed night's rest because of itchy throat, do not rush to take cough medicine. There is a more natural choice of drugs, practical, yet still effective.
Honey: To get this benefit, you do not need a lot of liquid honey. Just use 1-2 teaspoons, as needed. Add steeping hot tea and lemon juice for a better effect. In addition to throat, honey also contains antioxidants.
According to latest research results, honey also has antibacterial effects, so that could be an alternative therapy for sinusitis. Squirt the liquid honey into a cup of hot water. Breathe fumes. This is believed to reduce nasal congestion complaints at once remove bacteria

daun pace/mengkudu

In addition to garlic, leaf pace / noni was also effective to cure headaches, such as dizziness, vertigo and migraine.

How to treat it:
Take 1 sheet of noni leaf pace or the young. Then lintinglah such as rolling paper for continuous social gathering pace turned into withered leaves, and then paste them as you stick to patches or fitting salon dikening head, you are guaranteed to be free of your headache pain


Triptopthan acid content in bananas is converted into serotonin (a substance that can alter mood) can overcome depression and stress. In addition, vitamin B6 in it to regulate glucose levels in the blood that can alter mood. Banana power source can be digested with ease, the sugar contained in fruit is turned into a good source of quick energy. Bananas are good for pregnant women are advised for pregnant women because it contains folic acid, which is easily absorbed by the fetus through the uterus.

Stop smoking

You are trying to stop smoking, is often constrained because it was already addicted to nicotine. To fix this, try eating a banana. The content of B6 and B12 in bananas helps to neutralize the effect of nicotine. In addition to those benefits, there are many health benefits of bananas